Digital Transformation: What It Is and Why Businesses Need It Now
What is Digital Transformation? Change at the speed of technology. This has become a buzzword for most businesses today. But what does it really mean, and how do you make your business digital?

In the past, there was no need to make businesses digital. Businesses were working fine with the good old paper & pen. Everything was in its place, and all was well. But now, the paper & pen approach is a thing of the past. Today, businesses are entering a new world where they need to adopt digital technology to survive.
The reason: Digital technologies are making it easier for companies to do business 24/7, always on the go, and anytime & anywhere. In the 2020s, 70% of the GDP was generated through digital space. The need for businesses to adopt a digital approach is very much needed.
What is Digital Transformation?
A digital transformation is a process in which businesses need to make essential changes to how they function and are managed. For companies to become more competitive, better informed, and ultimately lead the market, these changes need to happen. Examples of such transformation processes include:
Digital platform building:
A company must develop a digital platform so that your business can grow. The platform should be designed so that it serves not only your own business needs but also helps other companies get their products or services available online.
Integration of technology:
The internet has made it easy to integrate technology into one’s daily life. It is important for companies to use this integration to produce more products or deliver more services through their platforms.
Data management:
As more and more companies begin to use the internet and technology in different ways, they will also begin to generate a lot of data. These data can be used for several purposes, including marketing strategies. It is important for companies to have a system that looks at all the data available to be used in the best way possible.
Why does your business need to transform digitally?
The need for businesses to digitize is directly linked to the digital world that we live in today. The digital transformation process is needed to gain more benefits than what it already has been enjoying these years. The benefits of digital transformation include:
1. Competitive advantage:
The competitive advantage of a business comes from the products and services they offer. The businesses that have been in the market for a long time have already identified their niches and localized their strategies accordingly. They know exactly who they are selling to, where they can find them and what they need.
With the help of big data and analytics, businesses can identify new prospects, follow up with them, manage existing customers, and use their data to develop more valuable products and services for consumers and themselves.
2. Access to customers:
The internet has made it easier for companies to reach out to their customers. There are several ways to do this, including social media and video marketing. Businesses can now get feedback from their customers quickly, which helps them improve their products or services accordingly. This ultimately leads to increased sales for both the company and its customers.
3. Data analytics:
Data is the new oil, as many experts call it today. Suppose a company has access to big data and enough customer information. In that case, they can easily use that data for marketing purposes to gain more information about them in the process. The result is more sales and higher profit margins for your business.
4. Better business decisions:
As mentioned above, big data and analytics help businesses make better decisions. This will lead to higher profits for the business, as well as for its customers and suppliers.
5. Environmental sustainability :
Making changes to your business and realistic use of digital technologies can only benefit your company and its environment in the long run.
There are some examples of how having digital technology can benefit people and materials by making it more environmentally friendly:
Environment-friendly technology is available, which allows paperless office technologies that help reduce paper waste, slash cost, improve efficiency, and minimize time spent maintaining a system.
How to adopt digital transformation in your business:
In order for your business to move forward, it needs to have a clear digital plan in place. As we have already discussed, there are several ways that your business can use technology for its growth. Some of them include:
1. Build a digital platform:
As stated before, building a digital platform allows your business to become competitive in its market and the global market as well. It also allows you to become more efficient with your resources and make better use of the information you have collected from customers worldwide. Digital platforms are built on top of big data and analytics, which will help your business grow efficiently in all areas and make better decisions accordingly.
2. Integrate technology:
The internet has made it easy to integrate technology into one’s daily life. Companies need to use this integration to produce more products or deliver more services through their platforms.
3. Use data analytics:
Data analytics are the basis of digital transformation, as they help you make better decisions and increase revenue for your business in the process. You need to decide what kind of data exists in your business and how it can be used to improve future decisions and make them even better than before.
4. Make changes to your business:
Businesses today need to contend with a lot of competition from all over the world. They also need to make changes within their businesses so that they can become more profitable, more sustainable, and more environmentally friendly as well. Making these changes will help your business stay ahead of the competition and improve its visibility in the process
5. Reap the benefits:
By making certain changes to your business, you will be able to leverage technology in a way that focuses on improving customer service so that you gain more customers through referrals and word-of-mouth marketing as well.
The benefits of digital transformation for your business:
The digital transformation process can benefit your business in a number of different ways. Some of them include:
1. Improved customer service:
As we have already mentioned before, customer service is a key factor for success in any business. Customers today demand fast and reliable companies and services and accurate information on the company itself. This information must be provided to them so that they can understand easily, which will ultimately increase their satisfaction with your brand or products/services.
2. Increased sales:
Once your customers are satisfied with their purchases, they will recommend your brand to others who are looking for a particular product or service that you offer. This will lead to increased sales for your company and higher profits for your business as well.
3. Faster delivery:
Your business may be selling a product or service that takes a long time to deliver to customers but which is required by them on a daily basis. If you want to increase your sales, you should find ways of delivering it faster so that your customers can use it in their daily lives and earn more money for themselves as well!
4. Better resources:
Your business may be working with the wrong kind of resources in place at this time, and if so, it will hurt your company’s growth in the process. The digital transformation process allows you to make changes to your business so that the resources you need are utilized in the most effective way possible. You can also use big data and analytics in your business, which helps you gain more information about your customers so that you can better serve them.
5. The benefits of digital transformation for your business partners
In order for a business partner to become more successful with its own business, it needs to have a clear plan and strategy in place. The digital transformation process allows them to make changes and improvements to their businesses, giving them peace of mind knowing that they are making the process easier for themselves.
To wrap things up:
In conclusion, digital transformation is a big deal for businesses of all kinds. It allows them to compete with other companies in the world and makes their companies more sustainable in the long run.
AppsRow can help your business no matter which industry you belong to. We have the experience, design, and marketing knowledge to help you get started with your digital transformation process. Let’s kick off with a Digital Journey into the future and where our digital journey is headed. From there, we will talk about what’s involved in creating your Digital Strategy, how to implement it, and finally, how you can measure the success of your investment in technology.
Your digital strategy should help you identify where you want to be in five years and help you focus on achieving those goals.
If you would like more information on how we can help your business grow in the modern age, please contact us today through our website or via phone.